Worldbuilder's Anvil

Episode 2: Why are you building a Fantasy World?



Today's Topic - Why are you building a Fantasy World? You want to write books You want to create Video Games You want to create Role-playing games You want to create Role-playing settings You want to learn more about the rules of the world, so you want to build a fake version Maybe for money, maybe just to do it, maybe just because you need two. Come up with goals What you want to accomplish? When you what to accomplish it by? What do you need to accomplish? what you want? Don't have your stories end like a bad ending to The NeverEnding Story The Rating This is a basic topic The Worldbuilding Task for the Day Create goals for what you want to accomplish with Worldbuilding this year? Michael Hyatt See Your Name In Print: How To Get Published. This book is free with Kindle Unlimited.  Now I need Kristin to get me a Fire HD 6, 6" HD Display, Wi-Fi, 8 GB - Includes Special Offers, Black The Real World task for the day Make a list about why world building is important to you and share it The Tease 1 Min