Coach Corey Wayne

The No Contact Rule



What the no contact rule is and how to properly apply it when it comes to negotiation, attraction, getting an ex back and generally standing up for yourself so you can get what and who you want in life. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who asks me about the no contact rule regarding a woman he's been intermittently dating over the past few months. They met back in May. He says that June and July were really great between them. However, in August she supposedly started getting stressed about work and her behavior changed towards him. She has become distant and always seems to be busy now. She is away on business for the next few weeks, and by the time she gets back and he potentially has a chance to see her again, it will have been a month since they last saw each other. He isn't happy with this and obviously wants to see her more. He asks me if this is the kind of situation where he should apply the no contact rule to see if it changes her behavior.