Listen To Alfred

Listen To Alfred - Life In Shaftesbury - Episode 13



This time on Alfred, the podcast for Shaftesbury, The Vale and Chase areas of North Dorset and West Wiltshire: We tour a business with a bright future, creating stunning wood veneer lightshades. Arabella and Dom Parish’s designs will be exhibited at a Tisbury art gallery soon. Alfred visited their Semley HQ to hear about their inspiration and the couple’s plans for the future. (00:24) Shopkeepers and shoppers can win money to spend in Shaftesbury in a carnival-themed shop window contest. Alfred speaks with both Chamber of Commerce Chairman David Perry and Derek Beer from the Shaftesbury Carnival committee, to learn about this year’s flamboyant window dressing theme. Shops can win one of two prizes for their efforts and members of the public need to spot a mistake to win a prize. (09:54) Shaftesbury is hosting creative workshops designed to improve wellbeing and reduce stress. Alfred meets artist and social worker Sue Gibson and learns about her twice-monthly sessions, where you can learn arts skills, socialis