Super Nerd Pals

SNP 56 - Super Reunion Pals



Aww snap, Hojo's Reunion Theory is being tested to the max here because Zak Lyons has returned from the Lifestream to drop knowledge meteor bombs on Episode 56! Unfortunately, Andy accidentally fell into a Mako Reactor but he will be back next week for sure! Join Stan, Chris, and Andy as we catch up with what Zak has been up to since his last appearance on the show (which you can listen to here: We also cover a variety of other topics including PS VR, Telltale Games, Pokken Tournament, the MCU, and last but not least - KINGDOM HEATS... the glorious KH reboot to end all reboots. Please follow Zak on Twitter at @zacharyplyons - WE COMMAND IT! :D You can also check out his Road to FFXV in '15 blog here on Save/Continue ( and his work at! Don't forget - the second episode of Anime Is Weird launched already! Be sure to catch up when Episode 3