Super Nerd Pals

SNP 0 - Super Pre-Pilot Pals



Happy 2016, Pals of Super Nerding! It has been a wild ride this past year. And as a gift for sticking with us, here is a very special treat. A year and change ago, Stan and Andy were chasing a dream - to start a podcast about the things they were most passionate about! And upon the sacred altar of the Soundcloud digital super highway, they made a resolution that if they make it to one year of podcasting, they would post Episode 0. Well, ladies and gentlemen, a year has passed and they were successful beyond their dreams. To date, Super Nerd Pals has recorded and posted 47 episodes. On the brink of our Year 2, we ain't stopping!!! But for now, let's take a trip back in time to the cradle of our podcast baby - Episode Zero!!! THE ORIGINAL PILOT! So give it up for your Pals, Stan and Andy, for starting a revolution. And remember, next Wednesday (January 20th), our first episode of Super Nerd Pals - Year 2 will drop! Stay tuned!! +++ You can find our podcast on iTunes, Soundcloud, Google Play and Stitch