Braving Babylon 5

Episode 15 - Empty Vessel



"Grail" - Season 1, Episode 14 It's a change from our scheduled programming this time on Braving Babylon 5, as we look at "Grail" - Can David Warner pull a lacklustre episode up by its bootstraps? If anyone can, he can!.... This episode is dedicated to Bob DeGrande, a much-loved and prolific podcaster, who passed away recently. Many thanks and much respect to Bob for doing so much for the podcasting community. The email address for the show is and you can find me on Twitter at @bravingb5 Many thanks as always to Phil Steere for the podcast logo, and to everyone downloading the podcast and giving me a listen, much appreciated. Star Trek fans should check out the peerless J.R. Watches Star Trek For The First Time: Dr Who fans should check out the unbeatable Tardis Tavern: Columbo fans should try out the witty and urbane Just One More Thing:   This work is licensed under a Creativ