The Nth Degree Podcast With Tracy Timm

TYL #31: Screw SMART Goals, Let's Make Crazy Ones with Tracy  Timm



I’m a sucker for a good metaphor. All the world’s a stage. Books are the mirrors of the soul. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Young love is about as awkward as two porcupines trying to mate. Yes, I know that’s a simile. But still, it's funny. But in all seriousness, I love a good metaphor. They have the power to bring abstract concepts to life. They give our words movement in time and space. They paint pictures that allow us to understand stories in a more profound way. So when I heard this unexpected metaphor for life, I just had to share it with Timmbit Nation. A while back, I shared a blog with you about a friend I met-- Will Merrifield. Will came across my path as a potential client but remained on my path as a valuable friend and mentor. Without any prompting from me, Will shared one of the greatest metaphors for success in life that I have ever heard. Up until now, I was only able to share that metaphor with you in words, but today you're going to get to hear it form Will, firsthand. This was, hands