The Nth Degree Podcast With Tracy Timm

TYL #28: The Simple Secret to Living a Regret-Free Life with Tracy Timm



Regrets. One thing we all have, and simultaneously, one thing we all wish we didn't have. Maybe you wish you would have struck out on your own. Maybe you wish you would have taken the risk of starting your own business. Maybe you wish you would have quit that job you hate a little sooner. Maybe you wish you had never taken that job in the first place... No matter how old you are or what you've done in life up until now, it's very likely that you live with a few (or maybe even many) regrets. Despite wanting to live a regret-free life, there are plenty of things I regret doing. Cheating on a test. Gossiping about a friend. Putting an "all-you-can-eat" sushi restaurant to the test. Fanny packs. You name it! There are plenty of things in my life that I've done that I regret. But a few years ago, while I was sailing on other side of the world, I learned a simple secret about regrets that has completely changed my life. I no longer worry about regretting things that I do... Instead I worry about regretting the thin