The Nth Degree Podcast With Tracy Timm

TYL #16: How to Give a Great TEDx Talk (Even When You're Terrified)



Your palms are sweaty. Your heart is racing. Your mind feels blank. You have a vague concern that your underwear might be on the outside of your clothing, and you're really not sure why.   Yes, friend, we've all been there.   These are the tell-tale signs of the anxiety that most people feel when they approach what is now officially the scariest thing a human being can do:   Speak. In. Public.   Dun, dun, DUNNNNNNNN!   Have you ever set out to do something scary, say speak in public, write a poem, tell someone you love them, and wondered, "Does anyone else FEEL like this?!"   I know I have!   So I used the podcast this week to open the kimono on one of the most personally terrifying and simultaneously gratifying things I've ever had the honor of doing in my life-- giving my very first TEDx Talk.   Just a few days ago, Friday May 20th, to be exact, I stood on stage and delivered the most well-prepared 18 minutes of my entire life. In one moment it felt like I'd only been standing there for 30 seconds. In the n