Board With Life Adventures

Ravenloft - Halloween Special - Ep 06



That's So Ravenloft This is our D&D "actual play" campaign featuring the Board with Life cast and crew! In this Halloween special we are playing through the CLASSIC module Ravenloft (I6). Adventures in the new world will be back soon - in the meantime this is a GREAT mini version of our show to share with potential converts! Dig the show?  Rate us on iTunes and tell your friends! Featured players: Donald Shults (Show-Runner/Writer/Director) as the Dungeon Master Chris Bryan (Show-Runner/Writer/Director) as Kaleo "Not Dead" Kaleoku the Paladin Niki Shults (Writer/Director) as Bern the Cleric Andrew Manson (Music/Assistant Director) as NoCollie Pagemaster the Rogue Adam Henderson (Editor/Camera) as Druzzuu the Wizard Special guest: Isaac Vega (Plaid Hat Games) as Sir Wiggles the Fighter Subscribe using RSS and/or iTunes Donald is also running a game of D&D for the Plaid Hat Podcast here: Want more RPG goodness? Check out our "sister show" Houses & Humans Like