Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

San Onofre Near-miss of Catastrophic Accident Reveald By Whistleblower



SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR NEAR-MISS - A Nuclear Hotseat Full-Length SPECIAL Featuring: Charles Langley and Nina Babiarz of PublicWatchdogs return to Nuclear Hotseat to paint the picture of how Southern California Edison, Holtec, and the NRC continue to mishandle the forever-deadly radioactive legacy of San Onofre. The shocking statement by the San Onofre OSHA worker, whistleblower and HERO who blew everyone away (fortunately just figuratively… for now). It involves more than 30,000 lbs. of highly radioactive used fuel rods, equal to One Chernobyl of radiation that almost fell 18 feet! Doubletalking points from Southern California Edison’s Tom “Twitchy” Palmisano, showing that SCE was ready to “manage” awareness of the accident if necessary, BUT NOT TO REVEAL IT TO THE PUBLIC! Donna Gilmore of , trying to call out Palmisano’s statements as a lie, which got her shouted down by the Edison cabal.