Off The Hookah With Phil And Cooper

Episode #034: Quds You Be More Wrong?



We’re playing catch-up this week on Off the Hookah, discussing President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the recent death of Yemen’s former president Ali Abdullah Saleh and what Saleh's legacy bodes for the future of the country. 03:19 - Arab leaders plan major response to Trump's Jerusalem move (Daoud Kuttab) 03:19 - Will Trump recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital? (Shlomi Eldar) 03:19 - Jerusalem recognition serves mainly Trump, Netanyahu (Ben Caspit) 11:53 - Yemen’s new, dangerous post-Saleh power vacuum (Giorgio Cafiero) 11:53 - Saudis fail at their own conspiracy (Bruce Riedel) Music: DAM - Street Poetry (iTunes | Spotify)