Lifehacks For Working Moms With Megan Strand

Trick Yourself (And Your Family) Into Eating Less This Holiday Season with Dr. Brian Wansink



Did you know that you make 25-30 food-related decisions by the end of breakfast each day? What?! It’s not just about the type of cereal you choose for breakfast, it’s how much you serve yourself, whether to add milk, how much milk, whether to finish the first bowl, if you go back for seconds, what you do with the extra milk and on…and on…and on…And that’s just in your kitchen! You do this all. day. long. Which, it turns out, is why we end up mindlessly overeating. We don’t realize we’re making hundreds of little micro decisions each day. I’m here to tell you the good news about all of this mindless eating. The same things that make you overeat can help you engineer your environment and your food choices so that you mindlessly eat less. Without going on some crazy diet. Without depriving yourself of the stuff you love. You can eat up to 20% less each day without even realizing it. You just need to implement a few simple, scientifically-proven tools (sounds like an infomercial, right?). Sound good? I tho