Super Nerd Pals

KHAOS 14: Kingdom Hearts and Persuading a Newcomer



No, I didn't make another episode numbering mistake like last time - this is really and truly episode 14. My guest for episode 13 had to postpone last-minute, so instead of finding a new guest for episode 13, I just delayed the whole thing! And yet somehow the episode numbering here is still easier to follow than Kingdom Hearts numbering conventions. Anyway, in episode 14 I'm joined by my friend Vicki, whose total experience with the franchise is limited to watching a friend play the first game for about half an hour back in 2002. She owns an Xbox One and enjoys a good FPS like Call of Duty, and wants me to convince her why she should have a go at Kingdom Hearts. It's a really fun chat where she asks most of the questions instead of myself, which was a great change of pace for me! I hope you all enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed recording it. And next time, we'll be back with episode 13!