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Common Collocations with KEEP, SAVE and GO - AIRC121



In this episode we're going to help you improve your collocations with the verbs keep, save and go. Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: http://www.inglespodcast.com/  More podcasts to improve your English at: http://www.inglespodcast.com/  Listener Feedback: Adriana Salazar KEEP (guardar, conservar) “Don't drink all the water. We need to keep some for tomorrow.” Quedarse con - “I’ve decided to keep this microphone and not return it to the shop.” Guardar, almacenar - “Where do you keep the sugar?’ Criar - “My aunt Mary has kept bees for over forty years.” Seguir (continue) - ‘He kept working until six o'clock.’ / ‘Keep walking until you get to the beach.’ keep a promise (make and break) keep a secret - Are you good or bad at keeping secrets? keep an appointment (make and cancel) keep calm (and carry on) - mantener la calma / tranquilizarse keep in touch (with) - seguir en contacto / get in touch Keep in mind - no olvidar, tener en cuenta keep quiet keep the change keep it real! - ¡sé sincero! keep your chi