Em Pulse

These Are Our People – Episode 11



If you have ever worked in an ED, you have taken care of a homeless patient. In fact, you’ve probably taken care of many patients you didn’t even know were struggling with homelessness. As providers, we know these people well. They are often labeled “superusers” and, in addition to sometimes acting as their primary care physicians, we often find ourselves trying to sort out their myriad social issues. In this episode, we talk with a homeless patient, multiple ED providers, and expert Dr. Bisan Salhi, about some of the health challenges that our undomiciled patients face, and what role the ED should play in caring for these patients. You’ll hear a variety of opinions on this controversial topic. We then talk with health policy experts, Dr. Nick Sawyer and Dr. Aimee Moulin, about the recently signed California Senate Bill 1152, and how it will affect hour care and discharge of self-identified homeless patients. Do you screen for homelessness? How do you care for homeless patients in your ED? Will you be affect