Chop N Roll

The War Run and Charlie Crockett



    Wednesday    Week 33- Post War Run and I am alive! If you guys aren’t following @war__run you should be, especially if you are into mini bike mayhem. I was run over by 3 minis this weekend and my ribs and back are killing me, but thats racing! The run was a success and we had a great turnout. @get_lowered threw in a Simson helmet for the raffle, I wanted it… stars and stripes, bad ass. I drank a few too many beers and it hindered my final performance, but there is always next year, and the track ks still set up! Dont forget to send in your Spotify playlist for a chance to win a free tshirt, if I pick your list, you win! Its that easy. Send to and include your shirt size and shipping address!   Enjoy the show this week and email me with your request and comments or instagram @chopnrollpodcast       Weekly Playlist: Get Lowered - Get Lowered Cycles -getlowered