Real Men Real Issues With Teresa Mullaney

Siven Rungien Real Lawyer



Siven Rungien did a Law Degree and from there went on to work in the 3 sector with those who have less of a voice in society.  In the last few years he has worked as a Manager in the National Health Service, and is respoinsible for the ensuring that people who are detained under the Mental Health act are there lawfully and that their best interest is being protected at all times.He is manager of 25 people which are mainly women,  He has a very strong belief in ensuring that eaching members voice is herd and that he values them,  He was a teenager at the turn of the century, and now has some ideas which may be of help to teenagers who were born then.  He has spent a number of years teaching Law in Universtity and has really noticed how students have changed how they consume information.