Think Bold, Be Bold

Becoming The Best You Can Be with Tina Greenbaum - Ep #153



Overview: In this episode Tina Greenbaum comes on the Think Bold, Be Bold Show! Tina Greenbaum, LCSW is an Optimal Performance Specialist, Holistic Psychotherapist, Author, Speaker, and Workshop Leader. With over 35 years of experience, she helps CEO’s, leaders, and aspiring leaders to be the best they can be. She does this by guiding them to find their blind spots, both personally and professionally, and then teaching them how to get the best from the teams they lead. This ultimately leads them to happier employees, increased retention, and greater productivity. Using cutting-edge technologies, she combines the latest in neuroscience with ancient traditions of the East. She is the creator of the program Mastery Under Pressure, an executive coaching program that teaches Olympic-level mindset skills for peak performance in high-stakes and high-stress environments. Tune in to learn how you can become a more authentic, transparent leader that will result in a happier and more productive workforce for your team!&