In Deep With Angie Coiro: Interviews

Chris Taich and Dr. Ruchika Mishra: What Does A Good Death Look Like?



Show #222 | Guests: Chris Taich and Dr. Ruchika Mishra | Show Summary: Everybody dies. And we all know that - at least, intellectually. But how realistically do we approach our own ends?     Statistically, it's a mixed bag. More elderly and hospitalized people have Do Not Resuscitate orders in place than ever before. But most American adults don't have a will ready. A third don't carry life insurance. Only one in five has told their friends and family how they'd like their own death dealt with.     What does a "good death" look like? How helpful can we expect the medical profession to be when the time comes - for example, respecting that DNR order, or talking frankly with us about what's ahead? What can hospice offer a client and their family - and who's lucky enough to have access to that?     Guests: Chris Taich is with the non-profit Pathways Home Health and Hospice, where she's the director of Clinical Support Services. She's spent