Savoring Our Lives

603 - Cancer Camp



Welcome to Savoring Our Lives! In this week’s episode: [caption id="attachment_1021" align="alignright" width="224"] Swimmers at Camp One Step[/caption] Chad was a counselor at Camp One Step Chad was a counselor for two weeks at Camp One Step in Williams Bay, Wisconsin. Camp One Step empowers children who have been diagnosed with cancer to find new hope and believe again in a brighter future. Discover the biggest lesson he learned. Ruth attended Shakespeare in the Park We help support Optimist Theatre's free Shakespeare in the Park production each year. This year was the tragedy King Lear. Spoiler alert: everybody dies. Well, mostly everybody. Ruth went out with a friend She went to dinner with her friend Katie at Tofte's Table in Waukesha. We ate (way too much) at the bar and paired everything with a bottle of Pinot Gris.   Want to share your story about what inspires you?  Want to tell us what you've been using as an excuse? Let us know! Email: Call: 808.42.SAVOR (808.427.2867)