Em Pulse

Toddlers Will Sell Their Souls for Stickers – Episode 12



Caring for kids in the ED can be challenging - they often can’t (or won’t) tell you what’s wrong or where it hurts; they may have trouble sitting still during an exam or procedure; and their screams put everyone on edge. But let’s think about it from their perspective. It must be pretty confusing and frightening at times. Did you ever have to go to the ED as a kid? Do you remember what it was like? We ask some kids to share their thoughts and experiences. Then we get some valuable tips from the experts - Child Life Specialists, Pediatric ED Nurses, and Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physicians, including our own Dr. Julia Magaña. Learn what you can do to improve the ED experience for both you and your young patients. What tips do you have for taking care of kids in the ED? Did you try any of the things we mentioned in this episode? If so, did they work for you? We want to know! Share your thoughts on social media, @empulsepodcast, or on our website, ucdavisem.com.  Hosts: Dr. Julia Magaña, Assistant Professo