Holistically Healing Anxiety | Anxiety Coach | Stacie Younger

Episode 61: I’m on the Stacie Diet



Should you be Paleo?  Vegan? Go on the Keto diet?  Maybe Vegetarian?  Go to weight watchers?             I’m going to perfectly honest I not a huge fan of one-size-fits-all diets and I cringe every time someone pushes their diet on someone.  We all have different backgrounds, we come from different cultures, have different genetics and different blood types and we all have different beliefs.  With all of this, I strongly believe that we all need to consume different foods.              In this episode I go more into details on how our bodies are not all the same and how we probably need to consume different foods and why we shouldn’t be pressuring people in eating a one-size-fits-all diet.  I also talk a little bit about what I eat on an average day.  Go take a listen!