New Books In Literature

James Morrow, “The Asylum of Dr. Caligari” (Tachyon Publications, 2017)



The Asylum of Dr. Caligari (Tachyon Publications, 2017) is a deft little novel, is a perfect fit for people who are not just interested in fantasy, but also history, art, geography and linguistics. If you are a man, and appreciate an elegant woman wearing lace and jewelry more than a bronze bikini-clad babe with a vacuous stare, you might also appreciate the work of James Morrow. Like T. Coraghessan Boyle, but with more palatable characters, and less heft, James Morrow draws on actual historical figures in his novel. While there was no country of Weizenstaat, which would mean ‘Wheat State,’ there was certainly a Blue period for Pablo Picasso, and a painting by Duchamp called ‘Nude Descending a Staircase.’ As a German speaker, and someone who grew up in an apartment filled with my father’s art books, I got a lot of knowing chuckles out of terms such as Farbenmensch which refers to a man who comes to life out of a painting, or the description of Picasso throwing the narrator, an as