Xeno Podcast

Keeping Up with Korea



From all day dates to food delivery while playing video games, Korea has something for everyone. Learn about unique aspects of Korea’s city culture in this episode. Want to share your culture? Contact us on our Instagram @xenopodcast, Facebook, or our email byuh_rwc@byuh.edu Welcome to Xeno Podcast, where co-hosts Carly Stone and Cole Johnson talk about stories, society, and identity with professors and students from BYUH. Thanks for learning by listening! Instagram: @XenoPodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/XenoPodcast/ Apple Podcast App: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/xeno-podcast/id1376392681?mt=2 or search "Xeno Podcast" Overcast: https://overcast.fm/itunes1376392681 Pocket Casts: http://pca.st/3NdP