Walking Dharma

Episode 5: Embodying Love: The Four Limitless Qualities



This week's podcast dives into the Four Limitless Qualities of being as taught by Pema Chodron in 'The Places that Scare You.' The four limitless qualities are: loving kindness, compassion, joyfulness and equanimity. We explore how to fully step into emobodying these virtues using real life examples and stories from the 'field.' The near and far opposites of the four limitless qualities are also explored and ways to navigate beyond them are offered as a means to live in harmony and love with all of life. The far opposite of loving kindness is hatred; the near opposite is attachment/aversion. The far opposite of compassion is cruelty; the near opposite is pity/overwhelm/idiot compassion (pity is the main example cited in this podcast). The far opposite of joyfulness is envy; the near opposite is overexcitement. The far opposite of equanimity is prejudice; the near opposite is detachment/indifference. By amplifying and consciously dwelling in the merit of the four limitless qualities one has the power to op