Botched: A D&d Podcast

Botched: A D&D Podcast S3 EP52 Opening Up



Welcome to Botched: A D&D Podcast! What do you know, Nobu must be a potato after all. Why else would his baby be a Mr. Potato Head. Granted, I’ve never had one that is alive and explodes, but hey, need to have some way to kill off guest characters. I guess that also means that Thurstone must really be a camel, because he pooped one out. Speaking of which, Thurstone should really get that pink sock of his looked at. The group still has this nasty medusa beholder thing to deal with, but assuming they make it out of there alive they will have to face their greatest nemesis once again. A DOOR! It never gets old having the party struggle hardest against the seemingly most simple of obstacles. Once they make their way further up the temple there is something lurking for them in the dark. What kind of problems will the traps and puzzles pose for the party? What is waiting for them in the dark places of the tower? What is closest to a potato, has an accent and doesn’t have a brain? Tune in and find out! Join in on t