Worldbuilder's Anvil

Episode 258 – What We learned About Storytelling from watching the Hallmark Channel



Today's Topic – Hallmark Christmas Movies are like a Romanic Fantasy Adventure, and no this in not a drinking game   I must admit something. I love Christmas movies. I have watched hours and hours of Hallmark Christmas movies. You might think they are horribly formulaic and they are. However, I have learned two very important lessons about them. They are great for learning structure for stories and they are … Fantasy movies. Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunes For complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to Podcast Show flow Formulas are not evil Making them familiar like family Christmas is a community celebration, Family, and Faith One of the leads use to love Christmas or the hidden Grinch Love taking story inspiration from classics The Big bad foe Use Tropes for characters Magic abound both high and low magic If you do not worry if people know it is a formula you can crank out the work so have fun with it Michael's Resources Use when shopping online to help