Beyond Reason

Ghost Radio w/Chris Moon



Christopher Moon had his first paranormal experience at the age of seven. Daily occurrences from that time on included objects disappearing and reappearing; doors opening and closing on their own fruition, strange shadows and light anomalies, and nightly haunted sonnets on the family's one-hundred-year-old grand piano. He also discovered that he had a definite psychic/medium sense, and began traveling on his life journey doing remedial paranormal investigations at a mere 13 years of age. A musician by trade, Christopher spent many years playing in and touring with Rock and Metal bands. Eventually, his interest in the paranormal overtook his passion for music, and Christopher chose to become a full-time professional investigator. Wanting the paranormal community and general public to become aware of what he had known for years, that the paranormal existed and could be documented, he partnered with his father, a devout skeptic, in developing a magazine that would represent a truly balanced view of the subject.