

We need to be known by others. We need to be loved by others. We need to be celebrated by others. We need to be understood by others. We all share a profound need to be in the presence of others. Similar to your need to be in the presence of others but magnified by a factor of 100 is your need to be in the ongoing, constant presence of God. We all share a profound need to be in the presence of God. Life is impossible on your own. You do not have the capacity to deal independently with the vagaries and tragedies of life. You are not, nor will you ever be, strong enough to be a spiritual free agent. You are in desperate need of the Coram Deo: the presence of God. Implications of Coram Deo: There is no such thing as a compartmentalized life. There is no need to fear. You might not recognize Him. He may be hard to hear.