Employer Branding Podcast

Why Everyone Owns the Employer Brand, with Julian Placino of Bottle Rocket



How do you do employer branding when you’re the only recruiter or talent person in your company? Today we can speak to a digital services company to learn more. Bottle Rocket is one of the world’s premier mobile development firms, responsible for designing and building apps. Some of its clients include National Geographic, BET, A&E and the studio is also a multiple Apple Hall of Fame award winner. We had a chat with Julian Placino who is Senior Recruiting Lead at Bottle Rocket and oversees talent acquisition at the firm. He quickly found out that he wasn’t the only person in the company who was recruiting for the company so added his expertise to give the process some structure. Julian on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julianplacino/ Bottle Rocket careers: https://www.bottlerocketstudios.com/careers Subscribe to this podcast: https://employerbrandingpodcast.com The Employer Brand Index: https://employerbrandindex.co Thanks for tuning in!