Generation Jones Too Young To Be Old

Episode 8 John Tarnoff How to Create Your Dream Career Over 50



John Tarnoff is the author of The Boomer Reinvention - How to Create Your Dream Career Over 50 and a career coach for those seeking to do just that.  I highly recommend downloading it from Audible as John does a great job reading it with engaging enthusiasm.  John touches on the following points that are plaguing an aging demographics of 50 million people today.  "What do I do next?  "Is it too late?  "Where do I start?"  "Will I fail?"  That's combined with of challenges of age discrimination and bias, discouragement and indecision, low savings and poor job opportunities. John says if you are over 50 and still have a corporate job your days are numbered.   He then suggests to start to the reinvention process while you are still at your job, which I have taken to heart.  It's no mystery that a large percentage of the population is aging.  But what do you do when you are "too young to be old and too old to be young"?  It's a growing dilemma that is affecting our well-being and freaking us out as we get older..