Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

100. A Warrior’s Holiday Story with Thom Shea



Each year man celebrates the holidays. Whether you celebrate Christmas as the birth of Yeshua Hamashiach (known as Jesus) or you celebrate the winter solstice or you celebrate the closing out of a year, the time is meant to celebrate. This holiday season is a time to lay down your issues or grievances and to give. I would like to share a story I tell my kids around the hearth or fireplace every year to remind them. I bet none of you have heard this story. In case you were not aware of the true story of who we call santa clause and the reindeer. We all think we know but you don’t. The story of the reindeer is the story of uniting War and Peace, of woman and man, of hard and soft. As you can imagine the herculean task of unite the two factions. Yet, the true gift of the holiday season is to unite the good and bad, the naughty and nice.