Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

98. Overcome the Five Fears with Thom Shea



Five Forms of Fear Fear is learned. Fear is real for those who practice fear. Fear has killed more men and women than any disease or event. Fear is how most people deal with failure. Fear is the most seductive mistress. Fear will always overpower the greatest of forces because fear lies in the shadows of every bright event. Sign up to overcome fear Over the past 50 years I have heard many acronyms of FEAR. I think they are all funny.             Forget Everything And Run             False Events Appearing Real             Finding Excuses And Reasons             Failure Expected And Received             Forget Everything About Reality Pick one. I laugh at all of these because FEAR is the most prevalent emotion experienced by all of us, everywhere. The working definition I use is simply that FEAR is a emotional learned response to a problem you face. And in the short of it, fear and problems arise at the same time. Every single problem you will face in your life that is left incomplete will devolve into f