Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

85. Quitting and the Damage it does to you with Thom Shea



Learn how not to quit. Quitting is the single most destructive force in your life. Quitting will rob you of money, health, family, certificates of merit, and even deep faith.   Quitting is a disease. Quitting is easy.   Quitting is the more prevalent force I see in business, in athletics, in marriages, in school, and in the pursuit of your spiritual self.  Book Thom for a Keynote However. And I say however for a clear distinct purpose. However, quitting is learned and not quitting can also be taught. You can learn to not quit. The five key areas where quitting destroys you are your physical life, your intellectual pursuits, your wealth accumulation, your relationships, and your spiritual awaken. I hate to say it this way but people quit so often and in so many areas few know there is another way. There is Learn not to quit. Learn it early, learn it often and apply it all the time. Not quitting is a skill that atrophies rather quickly.