Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

56. Competition for the Bottom with Thom Shea.



Today's podcast is the accumulation of 23 years in the SEAL teams, and 5 years training leaders and conducting Keynotes around the country about success. I have thought about this topic many times but have put in on the back burner so to speak because it is negative. However, maybe today we can talk about it and make it less so. Today we talk about the topic of Competition for the bottom. Yes I said the bottom. Competition for the bottom is so common it is disturbing. There are so many people actively doing whatever it takes, exhaustively doing whatever it takes to hit bottom. To lose. To not win. To fail. To get divorced. To get fired. To fail out of school. To get fat. To get injured. To alienate their family. To piss off their co workers or boss. There are even leaders that literally sabotage their businesses.