Tete & Espresso

Tips for Productivity - Sprint & Nap - Friday - 082



RRReady..Ssset...Ok take a nap....Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. This recent technique has rocked my world recently... Look at the body of an olympic sprinter vs an olympic long distance runner...That is the process we follow to our success. Especially because you could not go outside and run a marathon, which would represent your dreams, but you could go outside and complete 10 sprints with 30 second breaks..Shoot you could do 20..Even if you are waaay out of shape..You could speed walk 20 times...By sitting at out computer for 1 hour, then taking a 20 minute walk, our minds re-charge, and are primed for the next sprint. These things help re-boost you after a working sprint: Taking a 20-30 minute nap, listening to your favorite song and rocking out to it, going a quick drive, walk around the block, call a friend, meditate alllmmmmmm, pray, watch a scare prank video compilation on youtube, pace your place and daydream, pet your dog or cat intensely, respond to a text message