Tete & Espresso

Change - Hot Dog Stand Joke LoL - Wednesday - 071



The Buddhist Monk says to the hotdog maker, “make me one with everything, chuck chuck chuck...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Todays espresso shot will taste like change. Change the way you communicate, change your morning routine, change your job, change your dreams, change your hope, your room color, your outlook on life, your pessimistic thoughts into positive comments, the music you listen to, your friends, change towards peace of mind, towards forgiving yourself, your car, your work ethic, change your need to collect “things,” Change towards your desire for the truth, change into a person who wants more knowledge, change into a person who, takes action now. Rollin down the river of change, we barely even have to paddle because the current called momentum is carrying us faster towards our beautiful lakes of our dream lives. Change allows the flow, life is a constant flow. How much easier is it steer down stream than to paddle up it..Release your need to control, and.. chan