Tete & Espresso

Fear - Wednesday - Growling at Fear - 008



Growl .... Good Morning welcome to TeTe & Espresso, I’m TeTe. Let’s talk 1 minute about life, and take a 1 minute morning espresso shot of high energy affirmations. This weeks theme is Fear, today’s topic, growling at fear. Seeing a bear in nature when you are alone is a real trip. Allll your senses are heightened and that 400 pound furry stalker won’t leave you mind ... Now think of not wanting to pick up the phone and call someone you know you should, but have not because of the general fear of having to convo. (Laugh) these are not the same dangers of fear buuuuut we must acknowledge that our fear is relevant to our surroundings. So avoiding that call for 2 weeks creates an enormous amount of stress for the body, probably equal or more to the bear...buuuut its not as easily defined as the bear.. ggggrrrowl... My brothers and sisters, our sweet mind is trying to protect us from hurt and pain..But the hurt we feel is one we experienced form the past, and we are relating it to this current feeling of fe