Tete & Espresso

Self Belief - Monday - Being Worthy - 001



Good morning..Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, I’m TeTe..Lets talk 1 minute about life & take a 1 minute morning energy shot of high energy affirmations. This weeks theme is self belief, Today’s topic, being Worthy. Being worthy is something that we were all born with..From a young age our surroundings and influences started setting boundries on our self worth. My friend.. we all know... That 90% of people do not feel confident that they are living a full and happy life...It’s ok that the world, or your influences tried to teach you what they thought was best...But there is a better way.... You being worthy for everything in your life. And there is so much to be worthy about... Being worthy of being worthy. being worthy of being happy, worthy of a confident mind, worthy of romantic passion, worthy of being a great communicator. Worthy of forgiving yourself. Worthy of doubling your income and Being worthy for having everything in life....Let’s keep this energy going with an energy Espresso shot s