Walking Dharma

Episode 15: Find Your Truth



This week's podcast dives into the yama (abstinence) of satya (truthfulness). "To one established in truthfulness, actions and their results become subservient." Yoga Sutras 2:36 Whatever lense of awareness we put on determines what we receive from the world. Instead of trying to find your truth and intentionally 'create' your life, trust that the truth is always with you as your deepest ally, and allow the effortless guidance of your own heart to lead you. With intention also ego comes, with truthfulness ego-lessness arises as we surrender to the not so silent pull of our own heart. Instead of seeking validation from the world, allow your own highest truth shining through to be your confirmation....the confirmation of your gut feelings, the confirmation of your intuitive prompts, and the confirmation that all is in total alignment with yourself. The dreams we feel called to manifest originate from this field of total honesty and emanate from the flame of our own truth. Swami Satchidananda says,"By estab