The Hamilcast: A Hamilton Podcast

#126: And I’m tryin’ not to cry ‘cause there’s nothing that your mind can’t do // Part One



Sir Alex Lacamoire is here! For THREE EPISODES! Get ready, you guys, your minds are about to be blown. Mike joins me for #JuLac and Alex was kind enough to bring an electric piano and play us ALL THE THINGS. In this first episode, Alex tells us all about The Schuyler Sisters, the song that went through the most changes. But he doesn't just tell us... he brought all the demos so we get to HEAR the evolution of the song. We also play a little game I like to call "In the style of..." and Alex plays his favorite Hamilton song in the style of Billy Joel, Rush, Fiona Apple, and Tori Amos. This episode is packed. We had the most fun ever and I hope you love it.    How a Miami musician overcame hearing loss to help create the music to ‘Hamilton’: First Burn #Hamildrop: Alex Lacamoire on Shockwave’s Shock and Awesome Podcast: Mike Elizondo