The Hamilcast: A Hamilton Podcast

#95: Maaaaan, the man is non-stop! // Part One



Carvens Lissaint is an excellent human and an award-winning poet. He is also covering Washington, Burr, and Lafayette/Jefferson in Hamilton on Broadway. The Carvens Origin Story is INSANE. The Carvens Hamilton Origin Story is EVEN MORE INSANE. Carvens talks about how In The Heights changed his life (Lin came out during intermission during In The Heights to chat with him - which would NEVER happen now), his experience growing up in Harlem with Haitian parents, and how he literally had a Hamilton in his bank account before he booked Hamilton on Broadway. Urban Dove: Urban Word: Brave New Voices slam champion Joshua Bennett performs "Tamaraʼs Opus at the White House Evening of Poetry, Music, and the Spoken Word on May 12, 2009: