Pioneers Post

Where Capital Meets Purpose



If you were at our Good Deals and Beyond Good Business conference in March, you may have witnessed some of some of the biggest brains in social enterprise meet at our Where Capital Meets Purpose plenary session, hosted by Hatch Enterprise chair Jessica Brown. The British Council’s director of social and creative economies Dr Mairi Mackay, Baroness Glenys Thornton from the House of Lords, Dark Matter Labs co-founder Indy Johar and Social Finance co-founder Toby Eccles met to speak on the theme of combining capital with social purpose, followed by a Q+A with audience members. If you missed the conference or would like to hear their pearls of wisdom again, don’t worry. Pioneers Post recorded every word and have packaged it up in this podcast just for our listeners. P.S. This video is brought to you by the team at Pioneers Post – a social enterprise set up to deliver great journalism to support social entrepreneurs, impact investors and mission-driven businesses. Good journalism like this costs money, and we r