Leela Kids News

Feb 8, 2018: Sports, Space, Maths, Health



News from Sports, Space, Maths & Health 1. Sports: Winter Olympics Start in South Korea Forbes: Schedule, odds of winning etc. ABC Australia: Photos, nice coverage of opening ceremony 2. Space: Flacon Heavy & Space X Launch The company Techcrunch: Good coverage of the launch 3. Maths: Largest Mersenne Prime Number Discovered  GIMPS:  (If you want to become a volunteer) From BBC (Listen on Leela Kids App): One of the best podcast episodes from BBC on prime numbers & mathematicians behind them  From Scientific American: Not for the faint-hearted. How a mathematician found an interesting way to find prime numbers:   Different types of prime numbers 4. Health: Lack of Sleep linked to obesity & cancer in kids The Study Music courtesy: www.bensound.com