New 4rmations Podcast

015-The Image Of Jesus We’ve Inherited Shapes Our Relationship With Him



We've all inherited images of Jesus. They've come from church, cultural expressions during holiday celebrations, TV shows, greeting cards, and our own family. The chances that we've misunderstood who Jesus truly is are pretty high. Think about it...When you think of Jesus, or the men you are told represent Christian maturity, do Fred Rogers and Ned Flanders come to mind? You know, Jesus meek and mild, in clean robes, neat hair, with a soft, delicate voice, staring heavenward. But, what about another image, William Wallace, in the movie Braveheart? A warrior. Face-painted and sword in hand. Which image stirs your masculine soul the most? It is hard to follow an image of Jesus that we don't really care for. Today, Tim and Charlie talk about how our image of Jesus impacts our relationship with Him.