Tete & Espresso

The world is bigger than you - In many many ways - Monday



There are 6,500 languages in the world today...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Take this equality espresso shot... Our lives are better in comparison to what? ..Crackling is the fire of the jungle dwellers right now. Honking his horn is the Italian taxi driver. Thumping heart pumping out of her chest, is the woman about to give a big speech, to 20 people, in Alaska...We are all from our own environment..Here’s the cool part!! Once we know other existences exist, We can can choose what existence we want to live...Once we can admit that our existence is not special, compared to anyone else. It liberates us from our current existence. And to be the person you want to be, it takes a new existence. I love you, you are ready, you can do it. I love you, you are ready, you can do it. Your new existence. Move towards to person you want to be. I love you, you are ready, you can do it. The world’s existence is more important than our existence. Your value comes from the continuation of life