Abundant Intuitive Podcast

How Do You Reinvent Yourself? Day 1 of 3



**Recorded from a 3 day workshop on my Facebook business page, Kathryn Mussell Ascending Earth Creatrix. Day 1 Reinvent Yourself Day 1 How do you begin to reinvent yourself? First let's take a look at what core emotion keeps you being the old you. Without changing this core emotion, you are creating a predictable destiny of bringing your past self into your present over and over again. Want the replays of these videos sent to your inbox? When you click below and sign up to my email list, you'll get each day of this workshop sent to your email AND you'll receive a FREE Bonus sent to you on Saturday just for showing up to this workshop AND.... You'll get a special limited-time discount on my signature 6 week program, #becomethecreatrix starting 2/7/2019. Click to sign up! https://www.kathrynmussell.com/ Join us live for Day 2 on 1/25 at 11:30 am PT here: https://www.facebook.com/kathrynmussellascendingearth/