Dreamers & Doers

#14 - Happiness Entrepreneur - Kietah Martens-Shaw



For the 14th episode of the podcast, I'm interviewing Kietah Martens-Shaw that I met through OneWave Kietah is the founder of B.OKideas, which is a movement to promote happiness and offers a box with little things that you can offer to the people you care about. Really cool concept. Kietah has a really interesting story and we are going to discuss: 1. Your journey and how you came to create the B.OK Buddy Community? 2. What is your conception of happiness? 3. Practical tips to be a little bit happier? |||About Kietah Martens-Shaw ||| Keitah is the founder of B.OKideas and living in Sydney, Australia. She is an advocate for Mental Health, Happiness and Social Brands and I practise what she preaches with her love for the outdoors, surfing and growing/learning. Check out B.OKideas website for more information about the gifting movement and how you can get on board with the trend of helping others :) http://www.bokideas.com/