Fermented Reality Beercast

Fermented Reality Beercast E11 Live From Bullfrog Creek Brewing



Tonight the gang is VLT-less and left to fend for themselves! This is the off the rails show with Miguel, Wana T, and Blake from Ansible Radio SyFy podcast as our special guest. The man the myth the legend Big Game James is with us as well as The Professor, J-Hard. We are live from BullFrog Creek Brewing and we talk to Head brewer Matthew Morrow, Owner Jamie Ratcliff and Chance Haas. We also welcome as a surprise guest Robert Leonard owner of the World Famous Lowry Parcade and Tavern. Last but not least Dennis Bergeron teases us with some 40 year old beer that we will soon drink on the show. All on this weeks Fermented Reality Beercast.Make Your Reality A Fermented Reality©